Ayurvedic Treatment for Hepatitis A | Natural Remedies - Ayurveda Yogashram
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- Hepatitis A Ayurvedic Treatment
Hepatitis is the viral infection of liver which is caused by different types of viruses that are-
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis D
- Hepatitis E
Hepatitis A is caused by HAV and the virus spreads when an uninfected person eats food or water contaminated by the feces of an infected person. the disease has a strong link with unhygienic and poor sanitation.
Hepatitis A in the chronic state is not fatal and Unlike hepatitis B and C it does not cause chronic liver disease but its acute infection could sometimes lead to liver failure and that could be fatal. So there are the most effective and the standard treatment for chronic hepatitis.
Causes of hepatitis A
It is caused by the HAV virus that enters body via faecal-oral route which happens when-
- Uninfected person ingest food or water infected by faeces of infected person
- During floods
- Improper sanitation
- Food prepared by unhygienic hands
- Contaminated sewage
- Unhygienic oral sex
Symptoms of hepatitis A
The incubation period of hepatitis is about 14-28 days and symptoms can vary from mild to severe depending upon the severity of the disease and immunity of an individual.
Symptoms that appear during its infection are –
- Fever
- Malaise
- Diarrhea
- Loss of appetite
- Abdominal pain
- Indigestion
- Dark coloured urine
- Jaundice
- Nausea
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Diagnose of hepatitis A
- Serological test for antibodies detection
As per Ayurveda liver is called yakrit and it is the main sthana (place) for pitta dosha (ranjak pitta) and Agni (digestive fire) . Ranjan pitta helps in the formation of rakta (blood) from rasa (metabolized food) and Agni helps in the digestion of food.
Due to wrong food habits and lifestyle pitta aggravates which then affects rakta formation and Agni which will then lead to various disorders like hepatitis, cirrhosis and fatty liver, etc, problems.
The leading cause behind the liver disorder in Ayurveda is pitta dosha and Agni and correction of this two help in curing the disease.
In ayurvedic texts, it is also mentioned that poor sanitation and infected food and water affect Agni and vitiate dosha in the body and lead to the manifestation of disease.
As we have always heard that prevention is better than cure and this hepatitis disease can be controlled by taking proper preventive measures like-
- Safe and pure drinking water
- Safe sexual practices
- Maintain personal hygiene
- Keep your surrounding clean
- Avoid excessive food eating outside
Methods to treat hepatitis A
It can be treated by eating healthy diet and keeping proper care of hygiene , also should follow dincharya routine in order to increase immunity in the body. The best and the specialist doctors are available for the particular disease In Ayurveda Yogashram.
- Avoid oily and heavy foods
- Avoid junk food items
- Include fruits like apple, bananas , cherries , oranges etc in your diet
- Eat vegetables like carrot , broccoli , cucumber , tomatoes .
- Avoid excess sugar like cakes , pastries , ice creams , soft drinks , etc.
- Drink more liquid and coconut water .
- Avoid taking caffeine in excess
- Quit alcohol
- Stop adding too much spices and salt in your food
- Add healthy spices to your food like dhaniya , fennel , cinnamon , cumin and hingu.
- Drink herbal tea
- Wash vegetables and fruits properly before eating
- Eat amla to boost up your immunity
- Consume food that is properly cooked and warm
Following this kind of diet will help in detoxification of body and will maintain agni state and will improve your immunity .
Life style modifications
- Keep your surroundings clean
- Maintain proper hygiene
- Brush your teeth properly
- Bath daily
- Wash your hands before eating
- Drink water empty stomach in the morning to detoxify body
- Maintain proper hygiene of the genital areas
- Avoid sharing utensils of the infected person
- Do regular yoga to boost your immunity and agni
- Avoid consuming liver toxic drugs or any antibiotic for longer period such as paracetamol which is liver toxic
It is the method by which the body is detoxified, in case of hepatitis virechana is indicated, it helps in tackling vitiated pitta and also ignites Agni, and activation of agni detoxifies the body and makes it toxin-free which then helps in easy medication as due to presence of toxins in the body it is difficult to treat the disease from its route cause. we are providing various Panchkarma therapies for hepatitis.
Herbal medication
- KUTKI –it is popular as a liver tonic , due to its really good results in liver disorders like hepatitis , cirrhosis etc, . it lowers fat content in the liver and also has anti-inflmmatory property because of its compound called apocynin.It increases digestive fire and treat other pittaj related disorders .
- BHUMI AAMLA –it has liver protecting properties . anti-inflammatory action prevent inflammation of liver . increases appetite due to its deepan (ignite digestive fire ) property . balances kapha and pitta dosha .
- KAALMEGH –it is having deepan property and removes toxins from body works as detoxifier.Maintain liver enzyme functions , reduces inflammation . Balances pitta dosha.
- GUDUCHI (giloy) – it is known to be very effective drug for humans as it is having anti-viral property works great in hepatitis , anti –inflammatory , rich in anti-oxidants , helps in removal of toxins from body , also maintains liver enzyme functioning and helps in boosting immunity.
- TRIPHALA – it is a combination of three drugs aamla , bhibhitak , hariktaki and is one of the very effective drug in treating fatty liver as it maintains enzymatic actions of liver , reduces high bad cholesterol levels in blood and having very good anti –inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.It works as mild laxative as liver disorders are pitt dosha related disorders and to balance pitta dosha virechan .
- BHRINGRAJ –it also possess anti-inflmmatory and detoxifying action , rejuvenate liver cells .
- PITT PAPRA – it is also effective in pitta disorders and so used in liver disorders. Due to cold potency it prevents bleeding disorders . and external paste of it can relieve from the itching and burning sensation.
- GINGER- it helps in lowering fat in fatty liver and enhances the action of liver enzymes .It has deepan and pachan (digestive stimulant ) property so increases appetite.It lowers high cholesterol levels in blood.Helps in detoxification and prevent inflammation
We at ayurveda yogashram provide treatment for hepatitis A. we provide hepatitis kit which is a combination of two three products that include immuno plus , AZ-Hepta and other few customised drugs . it is very effective in treating hepatitis and restoring normal liver function it contain all those mystical herbs which helps in boosting immunity and promoting liver health. we are providing the best Ayurvedic treatment and medicines of hepatitis.
Our hepatitis kit gives best results without any side effects and our all medicines approved by government of India.