Advance Oligospermia Kit

Advance Oligospermia Kit

Regular price $195.50 Sale

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We will provide a combination that will cover all points


  • To increase the count
  • To increase the volume
  • To increase the motility
  • To reduce the pus cells in semen
  • To minimise the bad heads
  • To increase the timing
  • To improve the erection
  • To decrease the loss of libido
  • To increase the stamina
  • To increase the strength
  • To increase the vigour



Alpha Heal
Packing: 90 Capsule
Dosage: 1-1-1

Oligo Heal
Packing: 60 capsules
Dosage: 1-0-1

Az Vigour
Packing: 60 capsules
Dosage: 1-0-1

Shakra Vallabha Ras (2)
Packing: 30 tab.
Dosage: 1-0-1