Anemia Healer Kit

Anemia Healer Kit

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This kit contains two products Alpha Heal and reno liv which have herbs that are useful in liver and blood-related problems. These herbs are immunomodulator herbs and in Ayurvedic terminology, they are rasayanas rejuvenating) i.e. they maintain the balance between all the doshas (humor) and also clarify all the srotas (body channels) through which nutrients are supplied. Due to the proper functioning of srotas (body channels), doshas (humor) remain in their proper amount i.e. the samavastha (balanced condition).

Why Anemia healer kit


  • Herbs in these kits help in curing Anemia.
  • It is best used to increase the haemoglobin in the body.
  • It is best used to increase the immune system of the body.


    Alpha Heal
    Packing: 90 capsules
    Dosage: 1-1-1

    Reno Liv
    Packing: 60 capsules
    Dosage: 1-0-1