AZ Diab
AZ Diab
The natural ingredients in AZ-Diab increase insulin secretion in the body. By reducing the glycated hemoglobin level (a form of hemoglobin used to measure glucose content in the blood) level, normalizing microalbuminuria (a condition that is an important prognostic marker for kidney disease in diabetes mellitus), and modulating the lipid profile, Diab minimizes long-term diabetic complications. The drug also increases hepatic and muscle glycogen content, enhancing glucose's peripheral utilization. We offer Diabetic Capsules that stimulate the pancreas's function and control the insulin level.
Ayurvedic concept
Corrects the weakness of the body and Pancreas. works on beta cells of the pancreas so that the production of insulin increases in a natural way which helps in the metabolism of excessive glucose in the blood thus curing diabetes. herbs in this medicine also help increase the body's overall immunity.
The Main Ingredients Are:
- Jamun(Syzygiium cumini) : One of the best medicinal benefits of jamun is its anti-diabetic properties. The black plum works against diabetes and converts sugar into energy. The Jamun fruit is good for the digestive system because of its coolant features
- Gurmar(Gymenema sylvestra) The plant has been used in traditional medicine, most notably to control blood sugar. The use of Gymnema as a lipid-lowering agent, for weight loss, and to prevent cavities has also been investigated
- Bilaw(Aegle marmelos): Golden apple helps to regularize and control the secretion of the thyroid hormone thereby regulating its metabolism and preventing hyperthyroidism.
- Neem (Azadirachata India): Decreases the level of sugar and also acts as a wound healer in case of Diabetic foot or any complication of Diabetic skin.
- Karela (Momordica charantia) ::Corrects the Pancreas naturally.
- Methi(Trigonella foenum-graecum) : Decreases insulin resistance and inhibits high cholesterol
- Shilajit (Asphalatum): Corrects the weakness of the body and Pancreas.
Benefits –
- Diabetes type 2
- Neuropathy
- Retinopathy
Why should you have it
If you have
- Have frequent urination, excessive thirst
- Numbness in upper and lower limbs
- Weakness, lethargy
- Diagnosed with diabetes type 2
Fruits you can have like apples, papaya, and guava, avoid artificial sugar, bakery products, fast, junk food, full cream dairy products, soft drinks, packed juices, and fresh juices.