Description -
Optica is the best herbal supplement for the eyes. It helps in increasing the eye sight . This is the best herbal supplement for whom , who daily spends a lot of time in front of computer and laptop or TV.
Ingredients –
- Triphala - Use of Triphala Kashaya (decoction of Triphala) or Triphala Churna (Triphala powder) with honey or ghee is beneficial for eyes. 2. Use of Triphala Churna with Ghee in Pittaja eye diseases, with sesame oil in vataja eye diseases and with honey in kaphaja eye diseases is advocated.
- Punarnava- Juice from the leaves of Punarnava can be mixed with honey and applied to the eyes to manage chronic ophthalmia and cataract. Fresh juice from roots can relieve the symptoms of night blindness and conjunctivitis. The other eye ailments that can be relieved are corneal opacity, watering eyes, and itchy eyes.
- Cinnamon- cinnamon, used in conjunction with other herbs, may be useful in the treatment of eye disorders including conjunctivitis and dry eye.
- Cardamom- Cardamom is good for improving eyesight when it is taken with honey.
- Glycyrrhiza glabra- Glycyrrhiza glabra is used as a purgative, ulcer-protecting, anti-tussive, and expectorant medication. Glycyrrhiza root extract is utilised as an eye drop to treat conjunctivitis.
- Daruharidra- It is also known as Indian berberi, Daruharidra, Daruhaldi, Darvi and Chitra. The plant is useful as anti-pyretic, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-hyperglycaemic, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant and anti-lipidemic agent.
- Chaksu- It is an effective herbal treatment for eye ailments such as trachoma, ulcers, cataract and polyps.
- Cataract
- Conjunctivitis
- Trachoma
- Polyps
- Weak eyesight
- Corneal opacity
- Watery eyes
- Itchy eye
1cap.X TDS or prescribed by doctor