Urjafit Powder

Urjafit Powder

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Urjafit powder is a high-quality immune system nutrition supplement that has a combination of MORINGA, ASHWAGANDHA, ALFA ALFA, WHEAT GRASS, SPIRULINA POWDERS

Urjafit Powder is an immune booster formulated for immunity and maintains all immune-enhancing properties. It Specifically cures B12 deficiencies and immune-related disorders herbally.

This Supplement completes daily micro vital levels which are essential for proper physical as well as mental well-being.

This supplement also has the added advantage of :

MORINGA - is an active blood purifier well known for its medicinal properties.

ASHWAGANDHA - it calms down the nervous system naturally and elevates immune response.

WHEAT GRASS - Maintains Liver, Kidney, and GUT health.

SPIRULINA - Elevates production of antibodies & infection-fighting proteins to fight against infections and chronic illnessesĀ